Dunfermline Traffic Lawyer

Dunfermline Traffic Lawyer

Dunfermline is a place we are often asked to attend to assist motorists accused of road traffic offences. We have successfully defended motorists accused of a contravention of section 2 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, drink driving and speeding in Dunfermline.

Further information can be found here: https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/the-courts/court-locations/dunfermline-sheriff-court-and-justice-of-the-peace-court

Image: Andrew Shiva / Wikipedia

Dunfermline Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court

Dunfermline Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court

1/6 Carnegie Dr
Dunfermline KY12 7HJ
United Kingdom

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Latest Cases

Dunfermline Failure To Report Accident Charge Dropped

Our client lost control of his vehicle during a snowstorm and collided with a fence. He alighted from his vehicle and could see no damage. Several months later the police attended and advised that he...

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Dunfermline Dangerous Driving Charge

Our client was accused ofdangerous driving, contrary to the Road Traffic Act 1988, Section 2 (as amended). The gravemen of the charge was that he had failed to adhere to traffic light signals and fail...

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