Our Track Record

Success rates are entirely meaningless.

Over the years, Michael Lyon Solicitors Limited has been responsible for securing thousands of acquittals in defended road traffic prosecutions. In cases where a plea of guilty has been negotiated with the Crown, thousands of our clients have received the benefit of a significantly reduced penalty. Make your own judgement by browsing our unparalleled wealth of experience gained from exclusively defending road traffic cases in every jurisdiction in Scotland. Some of our more high profile cases can be found in the Press & Media section.

Please use the menu below to view our Track Record in dealing with road traffic cases.

  Kept Licence
Alloa Totter Speeding Case Dropped
Speeding in Scotland
Alloa Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was accused of speeding in Alloa. The offence was caught on camera. Our client was already on the brink of disqualification through 'totting-up' and ..
  Kept Licence
Drink Driving Urine Case Started Then Dropped
Drink / Drug Driving
Hamilton Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was accused of drink-driving following a crash and submitted to a urine test at hospital. This case should be used as a cautionary tale for the Proc ..
  Kept Licence
Hamilton JP Court Careless Driving Not Guilty
Careless Driving
Hamilton Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was accused ofcareless driving by knocking down an 86 year-old pedestrian in a petrol station forecourt. The entire incident was captured on CCTV an ..
  Kept Licence
Causing Serious Injury By Careless Driving Not Guilty
Serious Injury & Fatality Cases
Edinburgh Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our Mr Simpson, fresh from the successful Exceptional Hardship Proof in the morning, embarked upon a serious trial in the afternoon. Our client had been accused ..
  Kept Licence
Exceptional Hardship Proof Success Edinburgh
Totting Up / Exceptional Hardship
Edinburgh Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was a very nice man indeed who had inadvertently forgotten to renew his insurance policy. He was on the verge of a disqualification via the 'totting- ..
  Kept Licence
Drink Driving Dropped Edinburgh Sheriff Court
Drink / Drug Driving
Edinburgh Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was accused of drink-driving and initially instructed a plea of guilty. However, our Mr Simpson spotted a technical line of defence at the Undertakin ..