Our Track Record

Success rates are entirely meaningless.

Over the years, Michael Lyon Solicitors Limited has been responsible for securing thousands of acquittals in defended road traffic prosecutions. In cases where a plea of guilty has been negotiated with the Crown, thousands of our clients have received the benefit of a significantly reduced penalty. Make your own judgement by browsing our unparalleled wealth of experience gained from exclusively defending road traffic cases in every jurisdiction in Scotland. Some of our more high profile cases can be found in the Press & Media section.

Please use the menu below to view our Track Record in dealing with road traffic cases.

  Kept Licence
New Driver Clocked At 110mph On The M74
Speeding in Scotland
Dumfries Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was charged with speeding. She was a new driver and was charged with travelling at 110mph on the M74. We advised her to plead guilty and we managed t ..
  Kept Licence
Careless Driver Keeps Licence
Careless Driving
Dumfries Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was charged withcareless driving on A75 Stranraer - contrary to the Road Traffic Act 1988 section 3 (as amended) and failing to report an accident co ..
  Kept Licence
Crown Agrees To Drop Speeding Case
Speeding in Scotland
Dumfries Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was accused of travelling at 54mph in a 40mph limit on the A76 Dumfries to Kilmarnock Road and was at risk of disqualification for at least 6 months ..
  Kept Licence
Driver Retains Licence With 16 points
Totting Up / Exceptional Hardship
Stranraer Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client needed his licence for work and following an exceptional hardship proof was allowed to continue to drive on 16 penalty points. We successfully argued ..
  Kept Licence
Successful Exceptional Hardship Proof
Totting Up / Exceptional Hardship
Dumfries Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client had already pleaded guilty to a speeding charge (91mph on the M74) and contacted us for our expertise in an attempt to retain his licence. We success ..
  Reduced Sentence
Dangerous Driving By Overtaking At 115mph On The A75
Dangerous Driving Scotland
Dumfries Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was facing a minimum disqualification of 1 year along with an order to resit an extended driving test. We managed to persuade the Procurator Fiscal t ..