Our Track Record

Success rates are entirely meaningless.

Over the years, Michael Lyon Solicitors Limited has been responsible for securing thousands of acquittals in defended road traffic prosecutions. In cases where a plea of guilty has been negotiated with the Crown, thousands of our clients have received the benefit of a significantly reduced penalty. Make your own judgement by browsing our unparalleled wealth of experience gained from exclusively defending road traffic cases in every jurisdiction in Scotland. Some of our more high profile cases can be found in the Press & Media section.

Please use the menu below to view our Track Record in dealing with road traffic cases.

  Kept Licence
Cases Finally Deserted At 6th Trial
Speeding in Scotland
Perth Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client initially faced 4 separate speeding charges from around May 2019 and, to compound matters, he already had 9 penalty points. Not the easiest of cases ..
  Kept Licence
Speeding Charge Paisley JP Court New Driver
Speeding in Scotland
Paisley Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was accused of travelling at 54mph in a 30mph limit back in August 2020. As a new driver, our client was worried that he would lose his licence and ..
  Kept Licence
Edinburgh Speeding Charge Dropped
Speeding in Scotland
Edinburgh Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was charged with doing a rather nippy 47mph in a 20mph limit. We were instructed to defend the charge and we in-gathered all the evidence in the cas ..
  Kept Licence
A90 Average Speed Camera Forfar Lawyer Not Guilty
Speeding in Scotland
Forfar Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was on 9 penalty points and thus subject to the 'totting-up' provisions. In June 2019 he was detected by an average speed camera system travelling at ..
  Reduced Sentence
Perth 112mph Results In 2 Month Ban
Speeding in Scotland
Perth Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
A returning client whom we had first represented in 2008 called to ask for our assistance. She had been detected travelling at a rather outrageous 112mph on th ..
  Kept Licence
Two Speeding Offences at Dumfries
Speeding in Scotland
Dumfries Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
In this case we had to draw on our advocacy skills and proper understanding of the law to persuade a judge to dispose of two offences in a particular manner. Ou ..