Our Track Record
Success rates are entirely meaningless.
Over the years, Michael Lyon Solicitors Limited has been responsible for securing thousands of acquittals in defended road traffic prosecutions. In cases where a plea of guilty has been negotiated with the Crown, thousands of our clients have received the benefit of a significantly reduced penalty. Make your own judgement by browsing our unparalleled wealth of experience gained from exclusively defending road traffic cases in every jurisdiction in Scotland. Some of our more high profile cases can be found in the Press & Media section.
Please use the menu below to view our Track Record in dealing with road traffic cases.
Kept Licence
Forfar Road Traffic Lawyer
Speeding in Scotland
Forfar Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was already on 9 penalty points when he was detected travelling at 81mph in a 70mph limit.
His licence was essential to his employment and there was ..
Kept Licence
Speeding Charge Kirkcaldy Court
Speeding in Scotland
Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was accused of speeding. The incident was captured on camera. Our client had 9 penalty points. We were instructed to try and find a way out of the ca ..
Kept Licence
Perth Speeding Trial 9 Points Found Not Guilty
Speeding in Scotland
Perth Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
This case called for trial in Perth J.P. Court on 24 January 2023.
A simple speeding charge on the M90 whereby the Police checked our clients speed at 93mph by ..
Reduced Sentence
9 Points Caught Speeding
Speeding in Scotland
Forfar Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was caught speeding whilst already on 9 penalty points. He faced a minimum 6 month ban under the totting-up provisions but did not have a stateable c ..
Kept Licence
9 Points Caught Speeding Not Guilty After Trial
Speeding in Scotland
Inverness Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was already on 9 points when he was detected speeding at 54mph in a 30mph limit.
He contacted our office anxious to retain his driving entitlement. ..
Kept Licence
Forfar Speeding Pro Footballer Acquitted
Speeding in Scotland
Forfar Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was accused of speeding on two separate occasions. He was already on 9 penalty points and was a 'new driver', a fairly challenging set of circumstanc ..