Our Track Record
Success rates are entirely meaningless.
Over the years, Michael Lyon Solicitors Limited has been responsible for securing thousands of acquittals in defended road traffic prosecutions. In cases where a plea of guilty has been negotiated with the Crown, thousands of our clients have received the benefit of a significantly reduced penalty. Make your own judgement by browsing our unparalleled wealth of experience gained from exclusively defending road traffic cases in every jurisdiction in Scotland. Some of our more high profile cases can be found in the Press & Media section.
Please use the menu below to view our Track Record in dealing with road traffic cases.
Kept Licence
Dangerous Driving Lochmaddy Benbecula Licence Saved
Dangerous Driving Scotland
Lochmaddy Sheriff Court
Our client was detected speeding at 80mph in a 40mph limit in the immediate vicinity of the EDF Music Festival
The speed was detected by means of a Unipar SL70 ..
Kept Licence
Dangerous Driving 3 Points Glasgow Road Rage
Dangerous Driving Scotland
Glasgow Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was accused of dangerous driving by reversing at speed, mounting the pavement, driving at a pedestrian and colliding with a vehicle.
He was also cha ..
Kept Licence
Causing Serious Injury By Careless Driving Case Dropped
Serious Injury & Fatality Cases
Perth Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was accused of causing serious injury by careless driving contrary to the Road Traffic Act 1988, Section 2C.
The case was thin. In short, our consid ..
Kept Licence
Very High Speed At Hamilton JP Court
Speeding in Scotland
Hamilton Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Court
Curiously an alleged speed of 109mph in a 70mph limit was prosecuted as speeding.
Our Mr Simpson appeared at Hamilton JP Court to defend the case and was able ..
Kept Licence
Airdrie Hit and Run Case Deserted
Failing to Stop / Failing to Report An Accident
Airdrie Justice Of The Peace Court
Our client was accused of colliding with a vehicle and leaving the scene without first exchanging his details with the lady whose car he supposedly damaged.
We ..
Kept Licence
Second Dangerous Driving Case Dropped In A Week
Dangerous Driving Scotland
Glasgow Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
Our client was accused ofdangerous driving by overtaking a parade going through Glasgow's glittering West End. He denied the accusation.
We were instructed to ..