Unipar Laser Speed Gun Case Deserted Glasgow

These cases are really our bread and butter. The vast majority of our cases involve drivers who are at risk of totting-up through the accumulation of penalty points and our client in this case was unfortunately zapped with a Unipar SL700 Home Office Type Approved speed measurement device at 73mph within a 50mph limit on the M74, southbound, near to Juinction 1a.
The case concluded on 1 March 2018 at Glasgow Justice of the Peace Court. It is still the case that the Crown often fail to prepare these cases to the required standard. The present matter involved such a lack of preparation and, whilst we do not want to give away any trade secrets, we were able to expose various shortcomings with the case which led to the matter eventually being treated as ‘not called’ in court.
Our very delighted client left court with his driving licence in once piece although I’m not sure how much driving he would be doing that day as the Beast from the East had caused chaos to the roads in and around Glasgow. No rest for the wicked.
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