Speeding Offence in Wick

Like most road traffic charges, speeding affords the judge a range of penalties to allow the disposal of a case to reflect the severity of the offence. Here, it is between 3 and 6 penalty points and if that is deemed insufficient then there is a power of discretionary disqualification.
In this case, we were presented with a speeding prosecution for travelling at 91mph in a 60mph zone. Our client had accepted his guilt by pleading as such by letter, however at that excess of speed at that particular locus the presiding Sheriff would have a ban uppermost in is mind. This was confirmed as sentence was deferred for his personal appearance and he realised that our input was required to protect his interests and bring the case to a satisfactory conclusion.
Whilst Wick is one of Scotland’s more remote jurisdictions, distance is no impediment to our attendance and so it was that we were present with our client to make the necessary submissions in mitigation. Disqualifications in Scotland are normally counted in months, however on this occasion the Sheriff was persuaded to limit the time spent off the road to a fortnight. This is classed by DVLA as a ‘short-term disqualification’ and is a relatively rare disposal here.
Our client, conscious of the longer-term effect of 6 penalty points to him but also with a job where any significant ban would result in his dismissal, was able to reflect on the fact that investing in our representation had minimised the consequences of his error of judgement. We are delighted to have been of assistance to him.
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