Speeding Glasgow Procurator Fiscal Discontinues Case

Our client - a returning client - was accused of speeding at 55mph in a 30mph limit. The alleged offence was detected by an average speed camera situated at Mill Street in Rutherglen. We are very familiar with this camera and have yet to lose a case where this particular camera is involved.
We advised that a not guilty plea was in our client's best interests. The case progressed through the Court system and eventually called for trial at Glasgow Justice of the Peace Court on 24th June 2019 where our Mr Simpson was deployed to deal with matters.
Having identified a myriad of evidential issues for the Procurator Fiscal, an approach was made on the morning of the trial to discontinue the prosecution. Having listened to our advice on technical matters the Procurator Fiscal Depute was persuaded that there was no realistic prospect of the Crown succeeding and did not call the case for Trial, in effect, accepting our client's plea of not guilty.
Kept Licence!
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