Speeding Charge Deserted

This case was down to call for trial on 17 May 2018 at Greenock Justice of the Peace Court. Our client was charged with speeding at Eats Hamilton Road in Greenock and instructed our firm to defend the case. Having considered the Crown disclosure, we identified a number of potential technical issues in relation to the operation of the speed detection device, the Unipar SL700.
We were fully prepared for trial however the case didn’t even get off the ground as the Crown had excused one of the essential Police witnesses from attending court. It was stated that he submitted an excusal request the day before the trial so he could attend an awards ceremony. All parties agreed that this was not the most compelling reason for the matter to be adjourned and accordingly our opposition to the Crown motion to adjourn was successful.
As no further motion was made by the Crown the case was deserted simpliciter, thereby bringing proceedings to an absolute end. It was also nice to hear the Justice of the Peace quoting one of our previous bills of advocation when he refused the Crown motion.
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