Special Reasons Insurance Charge Edinburgh

Our client was a successful company director who had been with the same insurer for a decade until she switched last year. Her policies had always auto-renewed in the past and she was certain that she had arranged for the new policies to simply renew upon their expiry. Needless to say, that did not happen. Our client was stunned when she was stopped by the police who advised her that her insurance had run out three weeks earlier. Having arranged fresh insurance at the roadside she was allowed to continue on her journey.
We were contacted early on in proceedings and we represented her interests from the outset. A plea of guilty was tendered to the charge of driving without insurance and we persuaded the Court to assign a special reasons proof. We successfully argued that our client had not received any notification from her insurer that her policy had expired and therefore held a reasonable, honest and genuine belief that she was insured to drive her vehicle. The Court refused to endorse our client's driving licence and she was allowed to continue driving.
Kept Licence!
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