Selkirk Two Tricky Cases In One Day

Our Mr Simpson appeared on behalf of two drivers who were both accused of speeding and both subject to 'totting-up'.
One of the cases was calling for trial but there more so many lines of defence that a conviction never looked likely. The Crown realised their difficulties following discussions on the morning of the Trial and asked the Court for an adjournment. This was vigorously opposed and refused by the Court. Our client was free to leave.
Kept Licence!
The second case was more troublesome. Our client had only sought legal advice having tendered a plea of guilty to the charge already. The circumstances were difficult but - against the odds - the Court was persuaded to step back from imposing a 6 month ban and instead disqualified for 3 months. This was a significant reduction which ultimately allowed our client to keep his job and retain his home.
Reduced Sentence!
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