Road Rage Dangerous Driving Glasgow Sheriff Court

Our client was accused of driving dangerously (contrary to the Road Traffic Act 1988 Section 2) and ramming another vehicle during rush hour on the M8 approaching the Kingston Bridge in Glasgow. The driver of the other vehicle and his wife (the passenger) were said to be badly shaken and their vehicle was damaged.
Our client first became aware of this alleged incident via his insurance company but the Police didn't become involved until some 6 months later and that is when he contacted our office.
We obtained all of the evidence and were not persuaded that a collision had actually taken place. Our client had taken time-stamped photographs of his vehicle on the day of the alleged collision and there was no damage whatsoever...
On the morning of the trial the inconsistencies were discussed with the Procurator Fiscal Depute. The most that the Crown could ever hope to prove in the case was that our client's car had overtaken the other car and the other car had been forced to brake when our client's car got in front of it. In short it was a basic description of rush hour driving on any given weekday morning in Glasgow.
A plea was tendered on that basis; a far cry from the car-chase-ramming manoeuvre he was initially said to have committed.
Following mitigation the Sheriff endorsed our client's licence with 3 penalty points and fined him £300. A massive improvement from the prospect of a minimum 12 month ban with an order to sit an extended test at the end of the ban.
This case was dealt with by our Mr Simpson at Glasgow Sheriff Court on 15th January 2020.
Kept Licence!
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