Mobile Phone and Bald Tyre Aberdeen Kept Licence

Our client was on 6 penalty points and was stopped by the police for allegedly using her mobile phone. The police discovered that her front tyre was bald and charged her with both offences. As a professional dog walker, her licence was essential and the mobile phone allegation would have led to a minimum 6 month ban under the totting-up provisions.
She enlisted our services to ensure that there was no, ahem, ruff justice... Sorry. Anyway, we managed to persuade the Procurator Fiscal to accept a plea of NOT GUILTY to the mobile phone charge in exchange for a plea of guilty to the baldy tyre.
Job done. 3 points were endorsed upon her licence and a modest fine of £180 was imposed.
This case was dealt with by our Mr Simpson on 21st December 2017 at Aberdeen JP Court.
Kept Licence!
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