Lockdown Drink-Driving High Reading Minimum Ban

Our client was charged with drink-driving whilst making a food delivery. He had had no intention of driving but ultimately an error of judgement led to him being pulled over by the police.
His breath alcohol reading was 98ug which is around four and a half times the prescribed limit.
Having initially blamed the reading on, ahem, peppercorn sauce, we were instructed to plead guilty at the earliest opportunity.
The plea was tendered to one of the most experienced Sheriffs at Glasgow Sheriff Court on the morning of 5th March 2021. Our Mr Simpson delivered a plea in mitigation on behalf of our client and the Sheriff was persuaded to restrict the disqualification to the statutory minimum notwithstanding the very high reading. Our client was also accepted onto the Drink-Drive Rehabilitation Scheme which will further reduce the ban by 3 months. A net disqualification of 9 months was accompanied by a £400 fine.
A very good result indeed.
Reduced Sentence!
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