Kilmarnock Dangerous Driving Charge Reduced To Careless

Our client was facing a fairly serious charge of dangerous driving contrary to section 2 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.
The incident itself was fairly benign and basically involved two vehicles jockeying for position on the A71. Our client was in lane one whilst the other vehicle was trying to overtake but not quite managing to do so.
Further down the road a lorry was travelling in lane one and our client - instead of slowing down - sped up. Thereafter, our client moved into lane two and applied his brakes causing the driver of the other vehicle to sharply apply his brakes to avoid a collision.
The entire incident was captured on the other driver's dash-cam which he provided to the police.
We viewed the footage and our view was that the driving was more akin to careless driving rather than dangerous.
We contacted the Procurator Fiscal's Office and negotiated a plea to careless driving.
The case called for trial on 27th June 2019 at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court.
Our Mr Simpson appeared and addressed the Court in mitigation. Our client's licence was endorsed with 4 penalty points and he was fined £300.
Kept Licence!
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