Inverness Failure To Provide Urine Sample Minimum Penalty

Our client was accused of dangerous driving, attempt to pervert the course of justice, and failing to provide a specimen of urine.
We were instructed to try and find a way to ensure a favourable outcome.
Following our examination of the evidence we were able to discuss resolution with the Crown.
It was agreed that our client's not guilty pleas would be accepted in respect of dangerous driving and attempting to pervert the course of justice.
On 20th August 2021, our Mr Simpson appeared at Inverness Sheriff Court and delivered a plea in mitigation in respect of the failure to provide. The Sheriff was persuaded that the offence could be dealt with by the imposition of the minimum penalty (12 months) and also deemed our client to be a suitable candidate for inclusion on the Drink Drive Rehabilitation Scheme which would ultimately result in the ban being reduced to 9 months. An incredible result given that he was subject to two separate offences that each carried a minimum mandatory period of disqualification of 12 months.
Reduced Sentence!
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