High Speed Driving Charge Dumfries Avoids Ban

Our client had been called into Dumfries Justice of the Peace Court to make representations against disqualification in connection with a charge of speeding at 111mph on the A74(M). Having attended court without a solicitor, our assistance was sought on the basis that our client seemed impressed by the way we had handled our own cases that day. We agreed to appear at court on the next occasion.
Speeds at this level would normally (and quite properly) result in the imposition of a disqualification from driving. This was, however, an exceptional case and we were able to present a plea in mitigation to the court which persuaded the presiding Justice of the Peace to step back from imposing a period of disqualification. Six penalty points were imposed on the licence and our client was permitted to drive home from Dumfries Justice of the Peace Court.
It also has to be said that, despite the volume of speeding cases running through the court at Dumfries, each case is properly considered on an individual basis and the court has to be commended for not giving in to the monotony of repetition.
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