Hamilton JP Court Careless Driving Not Guilty

Kept Licence
Hamilton Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Court

Our client was accused of careless driving by knocking down an 86 year-old pedestrian in a petrol station forecourt.

The entire incident was captured on CCTV and the case called for trial at Hamilton Justice of the Peace Court on 10th December 2024. Our Mr Simpson was tasked with the charge of defending the case at trial.

The witnesses attended Court and the CCTV was played numerous times to the Court. 

Mr Simpson rigorously cross-examined the witnesses and caused the Justice of the Peace to have a 'reasonable doubt', and accordingly acquitted our client of the charge. This was a particular relief as our client was a new driver and potentially could have lost his driving licence had the decision gone against him.

 Kept Licence!

Published: 11/12/2024

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