Fort William 115mph In 60mph Limit Short Term Ban

Our client was charged with dangerous driving. The crux of the matter was that he had been detected travelling at 115mph in a 60mph limit, driving past busy lay-bys, crossing the centre lines and causing another vehicle to take evasive action to avoid a collision.
We investigated the matter thoroughly and were able to spot some difficulties with the Crown evidence.
We enjoy a professional relationship with the Procurator Fiscal in Fort William and discussed the case in some detail.
Following our discussions it was agreed that a plea of guilty to the statutory alternative of careless driving would be acceptable.
Our client already had 7 points on his licence and we anticipated that the Sheriff would elect to disqualify on a discretionary basis in any event. The key to this case was securing the favourable plea with the Crown.
The matter called before Fort William Sheriff Court on 12th August 2019 and the Court was addressed in mitigation.
Our Mr Simpson dealt with this case which resulted in the imposition of a 5 month ban and a fine of £500. A great result considering the conduct.
Reduced Sentence!
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