Elgin Drink Driving Minimum Sentence

Our client had consumed alcohol and was driving when he got into difficulty. Police were called and he was found to be over three times the prescribed limit.
There was a further charge of driving without due care and attention.
We were instructed to try and find a way out of the charges. Unfortunately, the drink-driving charge was well founded and, as such, the appropriate course of action was to try and negotiate the best deal possible.
We spoke to the Head of Prosecution in Elgin and it was agreed that the careless driving charge would be dropped in exchange for a guilty plea to the drink-driving charge.
In accordance with the current practice we submitted written mitigation on behalf of our client. The case called at Elgin Sheriff Court on 24th November 2020 where the Sheriff was persuaded to limit the disqualification to 16 months and deemed our client to be a suitable candidate for the drink driver rehabilitation scheme which would take the net ban down to the statutory minimum of 12 months.
Reduced Sentence!
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