Elgin Dangerous Driving Found Not Guilty After Trial

This matter proceeded to trial at Elgin Sheriff Court on 9 June 2021 with our Mr Lyon in attendance. Our client had been charged with dangerous driving by allegedly performing an overtake when it was unsafe to do so, on the approach to a blind bend, thereby causing an oncoming vehicle to take evasive action.
Unfortunately for our client the vehicle which was the subject of the overtake was occupied by two off-duty Police officers who submitted a report to the Procurator Fiscal supporting a charge of dangerous driving.
Various efforts were made to persuade the Crown to reduce the charge to careless driving however these were unsuccessful so the case proceeded to trial.
Having heard the evidence from the Police witnesses and the accused, our client was acquitted in relation to the dangerous driving charge and found guilty of the implied alternative, namely careless driving.
Our client received three penalty points on his driving licence; a much better outcome that the obligatory (minimum) 12 month ban which he was facing.
Kept Licence!
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