Dunfermline Dangerous Driving Charge

Our client was accused of dangerous driving, contrary to the Road Traffic Act 1988, Section 2 (as amended). The gravemen of the charge was that he had failed to adhere to traffic light signals and failed to give way causing a fairly serious collision where the other vehicle was written off and the other driver had to be cut out of his vehicle.
He was anxious to retain his driving entitlement and contacted our office to discuss his options.
We reviewed the case against him and were able to reassure him that - in our opinion - his licence was not in any danger.
We approached the Procurator Fiscal's Office and following a few weeks of negotiations were able to persuade the Crown that careless driving was the more appropriate charge.
Our Mr Simpson appeared at Dunfermline Sheriff Court and mitigated on behalf of the client.
The Court endorsed his licence with 6 penalty points and fined him £320.
Kept Licence!
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