Dumfries Totter On 9 Points Speeding Found Not Guilty

Our client was on 9 points and was then caught speeding. It was on camera, and the police witnessed the incident first-hand.
We were instructed to try to find a way out of the case.
Upon examining the evidence there appeared to be a number of anomalies. Our Mr Simpson attended Dumfries JP Court on 5th July 2024 for the Trial.
The Procurator Fiscal realised that there were some evidential difficulties on the morning of the Trial, and sought leave of the Court to adjourn the case.
Mr Simpson vigorously opposed the Crown motion and cited the relevant case law on adjournments along with delivering a precis on the law. The Court adjourned to consider the legal submissions made and returned some twenty minutes later. The Court agreed with Mr Simpson and deserted the case against our client simpliciter.
No ban, no points, no fine.
Job done.
Kept Licence!
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