Drink Driving Charge Glasgow 104ug 12 Month Ban

Our client was a university student who erroneously felt fine to drive after having had a break from drinking for a few hours.
Regrettably, he was far from 'fine' and provided a roadside reading of 126ug per 100ml of breath (more than 5 times the prescribed limit of 22ug in breath). He was arrested and taken to the police station where his reading fell to 104ug (almost 5 times the limit).
He contacted our office and we advised that a plea of guilty was the correct course of action with a view to limiting the damage that this would inevitably cause to his driving licence.
We attended at Court and provided the Court with a full and detailed plea in mitigation following which - notwithstanding the very high reading - the Presiding Sheriff was persuaded to deal with this case by imposing the minimum period of disqualification of 12 months. He was also fined the sum of £265.
In the circumstances this was an outstanding result.
This case was dealt with by our Mr Simpson at Glasgow Sheriff Court on 6th December 2019.
Reduced Sentence!
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