Deferred Sentence Glasgow Licence Retained

Our former client called in a bit of a pickle. He'd lost a fixed penalty ticket for driving at 50mph in a 30mph limit. He received the Court citation and sent it back pleading guilty.
Instead of receiving an endorsement of 3 penalty points the Court wrote back saying that they wanted to see our client with a view to disqualifying him (as he had 8 active penalty points on his licence prior to this offence).
It was compounded by the fact that the Court Minutes (the official court record) suggested that our client was in line for a 4 point endorsement (as noted by the Justice of the Peace who originally dealt with the case).
Our Mr Simpson appeared and managed to persuade the Justice at the deferred sentence to deal with it by imposing only 3 points but giving the client a higher fine. The fine was increased to £275 but the points were reduced to 3. He kept his licence and didn't have to endure a 6 month ban. Great result.
Kept Licence!
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