Dangerous Driving Dumfries Dropped To Careless

Our client was accused of driving dangerously by failing to allow police officers (who were travelling at 138mph) to pass him on the motorway, straddling lanes and looking at his mobile phone as the officers passed him.
He pleaded guilty by letter thinking that he'd been charged with speeding and was summoned to Court. He called our office and we attended Court with him and successfully argued that his plea had been entered in error and without legal advice and should be permitted to be withdrawn.
Fresh dates were assigned and all the evidence in the case was released to our office. We were particularly interested in the dash-cam footage supplied by the police. Our view was that our client's driving was far from dangerous and we offered a plea of guilty to careless driving which the Procurator Fiscal's Office accepted.
The case called for the plea to be recorded and the video was played to the Court.
Following legal submissions the Sheriff ultimately decided that the conduct merited the imposition of 7 penalty points and a fine of £420.
This case was dealt with by our Mr Simpson at Dumfries Sheriff Court on 13th December 2019.
Kept Licence!
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