Dangerous Driving Charge Dunfermline Sheriff Court Not Guilty

Our client was accused of driving his HGV dangerously by tailgating a small car on its way to the airport and thereafter overtaking it and pulling back in when it was unsafe to do so causing the small car to enter the hard shoulder in order to avoid a collision.
It was a serious allegation. Our client - a thoroughly nice man - denied the allegation and instructed a not guilty plea to be tendered.
The matter called for Trial at Dunfermline Sheriff Court on 31st August 2020 where our Mr Simpson appeared. The Crown witnesses gave evidence against our client. A big difficulty for the witnesses in the case was that the HGV was restricted to 56mph. The witnesses had been categorical in their statement that their own vehicle had been travelling at 70mph at least. There were many things that did not make sense and frankly should have resulted in an outright acquittal.
The Sheriff elected to convict of the statutory alternative of careless driving and endorsed our client's licence with 8 penalty points and fined him £675.
Kept Licence!
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