Dangeous Driving A832 Achnasheen Not Guilty

Kept Licence
Inverness Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court

Our client was accused of dangerous driving because of the level of speed he allowed his vehicle to reach on the long, enticing straight at Achnasheen.

His licence was essential and he had been recommended to contact us. As the only dedicated Road Traffic Lawyers in Inverness (we don't undertake any other work, unlike another Firm), we are best placed to deal with these cases.

The entire incident was captured on police dashcam, and frankly, it could have gone either way. We have a very good working relationship with the Procurator Fiscal's Office in Inverness and were able to negotiate a plea of guilty to careless driving at a much reduced speed. 

Our Mr Simpson appeared at Inverness Sheriff Court on 25th June 2024 and addressed the Sheriff in mitigation. Our client's licence was endorsed with 5 penalty points and he received a small fine.

An excellent outcome for someone who was facing a minimum 12 month disqualification and an extended test.

Job done.

 Kept Licence!

Published: 26/06/2024

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See also

Dangerous Driving By Overtaking At 115mph On The A75

Our client was facing a minimum disqualification of 1 year along with an order to resit an extended driving test. We managed to persuade the Procurator Fiscal that the standard of driving was careless as opposed to dangerous (depsite being clocked at 115mph in a 60mph limit and overtaking vehicles in contravention of solid white lines). Our client was disqualified for only 6 months and a relatively modest fine of £450 was imposed....