Careless Driver Avoids Ban Glasgow JP Court

Our client was a new driver and en route to her first pregnancy scan when she became a little lost. She was running late, nervous about her scan and unsure of how to get to the hospital from her place of work. She had only been driving for a little over a month at the time and was consulting her sat nav and checking it against street signs when she veered a little to the left and collided with 3 parked vehicles.
The third collision caused her to completely lose control of her vehicle which flipped over and landed on its side with the airbags deployed. She was absolutely beside herself and had to be rescued from her vehicle. Fortunately everything was fine with her pregnancy and subsequent birth. The Police - instead of simply warning her - charged her with careless driving contrary to section 3 of the road traffic act 1988 (as amended).
Careless driving carries 3 to 9 penalty points and the Court also retains the power to disqualify at its discretion. As a new driver our client required to retain her driving licence by receiving no more than 5 penalty points.
On 8th May 2018, our Mr Simpson delivered a plea in mitigation to Glasgow Justice of the Peace Court resulting in the imposition of 5 penalty points and a fine of £300. Our client kept her driving licence.
Kept Licence!
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