Bald Tyre Case Deserted

Unusually, our client chose - following legal advice - to defend what, on the face of it, was a trivial matter. More worrying for our client was the 9 penalty points that he already had on his licence.
Upon conviction our client would have lost his licence under the 'totting-up' provisions (accruing 12 or more points within a 3 year period running from date of offence to date of offence) unless he could successfully argue that exceptional hardship would result.
The case had been delayed due to the global pandemic. Our Mr Simpson attended at Dumfries JP Court on 17th June 2021 and spoke to the Procurator Fiscal regarding the merits of the case. Although there was failry compelling evidence against our client, with some reluctance the Procurator Fiscal Depute accepted Mr Simpson's suggestion that there was no longer a public interest in this case and that a line should be drawn under matters.
The case was discontinued with our client's licence - and livelihood - secured.
Job done.
Kept Licence!
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