Aberdeen Speeding Marykirk Not Guilty Plea Accepted

Our client was facing a 5th charge of speeding (see https://www.theroadtrafficlawyer.com/cases/speeding-case-glasgow-jp-court-not-guilty-again) and instructed us to try and find a way out of the charge.
We entered a not guilty plea to the charge and the matter proceeded to 3 trial diets. The first two trials were adjourned due to witness difficulties. The third trial was due to take place on 21st November 2019. All witnesses were available and were going to be attending. The speeding was caught on CCTV and there was a mountain of evidence in the forms of certificates of accuracy etc.
We were confident that we had a technical line of defence and our confidence was such that we were able to contact the Procurator Fiscal's Office to discuss the case with the prosecutor.
Following our initial chat we received a call back advising that the Crown were not going to proceed with the case due to the issue that we had identified.
This case was dealt with by our Mr Simpson (at his desk) on 20th November 2019.
Stayed tuned for Episode VI...
Coming soon to a court near you!
Kept Licence!
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