2nd Disqualified Driving Charge Within 6 Months 28 Day Ban

Our client was detected for a second time within 6 months driving whilst disqualified. This is an offence that is ordinarily treated very seriously by the Courts and can often result in the imposition of a custodial sentence. Indeed, for the first offence our client had been banned for 6 months. Compunding matters further still, he had 6 active penalty points on his driving licence.
The procedural history was complicated and our extensive investigations revealed that he actually ought not to have been disqualified on the previous occasion but there was nothing that we could do about that at this stage.
Our Mr Simpson attended at Dumfries Sheriff Court to explain the unusual time-lines and procedural history. Following a plea in mitigation the Presiding Sheriff was persuaded to limit out client's period of disqualification to 28 days.
In the circumstances this was an outstanding result.
Reduced Sentence!
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