117mph/60mph Dangerous Driving Found NOT GUILTY

Our Mr Simpson conducted a trial on behalf of a motorcyclist accused of driving dangerously on the A96 by travelling at an astonishing 117mph in a 60mph limit.
Due to covid the case was delayed on several occasions. The matter eventually called for trial at Aberdeen Sheriff Court on 27th August 2021.
Our client accepted travelling at 117mph. The Court was informed that he accepted the speed. There was however a dispute regarding whether the driving was actually dangerous.
The Crown led evidence from two police officers who both told the Court that they felt the driving was dangerous. Our Mr Simpson rigorously cross-examined the witnesses and by so doing created a "reasonable doubt" in the mind of the highly experienced Sheriff as to the guilt of the accused and, more importantly, the credibility and reliability of the police witnesses.
At the conclusion of a two hour trial, legal submissions were made and our client was acquitted. No fine, no ban, no points. An outright acquittal.
Job done.
Kept Licence!
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