Celtic Star Scott Brown Avoids Speeding Charge

Scott BrownSpeeding Charge no case to answer
Football star has had a speeding charge against him thrown out on a legal technicality ...

Celtic and Scotland player Scott Brown had been spotted driving "excessively fast" in his Porsche 911 Carrera Tiptronic on the M876 in January 2009.

Two police officers recorded his speed as being 83mph on the Vascar meter mounted in their unmarked patrol car.

The football star has had a speeding charge against him thrown out on a legal technicality…

Our Mr Lyon told Falkirk Justice of the Peace Court: "It is my submission that the Crown has failed to lead any evidence that the Vascar had been checked before the incident, they failed to prove the police officer who used the Vascar was qualified to do so, and they failed to prove the measured mile they used to test the Vascar was indeed a mile."

Read the full story at news.bbc.co.uk


Photo by Alasdair Middleton from Rothesay, Scotland (www.a-middletonphotography.com) (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Modified: 2018-10-06 21:05:49
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