Speeding Dumfries A74(M)

Dumfries Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court

Our client's licence was in jeopardy because of the alleged speed he had been accused of driving at on the A74(M). We examined all of the evidence in the case and found a number of technical issues with the speeding prosecution in Dumfries. Following discussions with senior prosecutors, our client tendered a plea of guilty to a substantially reduced speed and the presiding Sheriff imposed a mere 4 penalty points and a modest financial penalty. Our client was understandably delighted to have received a low level penalty points endorsement for a three figure speed on the A74(M). Our Dumfries office opened in 2011 to deal with the ever increasing number of speeding allegations in Dumfries, particularly speeding on the A74(M). If you have been accused of speeding in Dumfries, call the road traffic lawyer for expert legal advice.

Published: 17/07/2017

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See also

Sheriff Rejects Police Evidence In Speeding Charge

Our client was accused of speeding at 101mph on the M74. Following a speeding trial the Sheriff decided that the police officers did not give credible or reliable evidence and found our client not guilty of the charge. Despite stating that he was very experienced, one road traffic officer claimed that he could not tell the Court the difference between a saloon and an estate car. This was a great result. There was no risk to our client's licence and was defended solely on a point of principle....