Section 7(6) Road Traffic Act 1988 Minimum Penalty Imposed

Our client was suspected of being drunk-in-charge of his vehicle and arrested. At the police station he refused - without reasonable excuse - to provide two specimens of breath for analysis contrary to section 7(6) of the Road Traffic Act 1988.  

Having been kept in the police station, he appeared from custody and was provided with the services of the duty solicitor. A plea of not guilty was entered and he was released on bail.

Our client correctly decided that his case was important and sought the expert advice of our Firm. We took over the case and prepared matters thoroughly. In the circumstances our advice was that a plea of guilty was the appropriate course of action.

For various reasons, the case did not ultimately resolve until the 3rd Trial Diet.

We appeared and were able to persuade the Court to take the most lenient view possible. 

Our client's licence was endorsed with 10 penalty points and he was fined £630. 

This case was presented by our Mr Simpson on 10th January 2019 at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

 Kept Licence!

Published: 10/01/2019

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