Employee Driving Without Insurance

Fort William Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court

Our client was employed by a company to deliver razor clams to Mallaig and was told to take a particular van from the company's yard.

Unfortunately, the vehicle he was told to use was not insured. Our client contacted our Firm and we were able to instantly reassure him that his licence was not in jeopardy and that we could offer a way out of the case altogether.

We received the evidence and contacted the Procurator Fiscal's Office to discuss the case with a senior prosecutor. At the conclusion the case against our client was discontinued.

 Kept Licence!

Published: 16/07/2020

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See also

Special Reasons Upheld No Points

Our client was stopped by Police on the M8 motorway eastbound following a minor speeding issue. The PNC check confirmed that the vehicle was uninsured. Our client was acquitted of the speeding charge and the court was persuaded to uphold our special reasons argument that it was not appropriate to impose any penalty points in relation to the insurance matter....