Drink Driving Charge Hamilton

Hamilton Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Court

It is often in a client's interest to tender an early plea of guilty. Our client was a provisional driver and was advised to plead guilty to driving unsupervised, uninsured and whilst 3 times over the limit. It was a serious matter and we negotiated with the Procurator Fiscal to have the other charges dropped. On the morning of the pleading diet we addressed the Sheriff in mitigation and managed to persuade him to deal with it in a lenient manner. Our client was deemed as a suitable candidate for inclusion on the drink drive rehabilitation scheme which further reduced her sentence by 25%. In total our early plea secured a 6 month discount in the period of disqualification imposed which resulted in a net ban of 12 months. We would never advise clients to defend cases where there is no realistic prospect of success and this was an outstanding result in the circumstances. If you have been accused of drink driving call today for a free consultation. 

Published: 08/08/2017

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Drink driving No Case To Answer

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