130mph Kilmarnock Dangerous Driving 6 Points

Our client had been accused of driving dangerously by reaching speeds of up to 130mph in a 70mph limit. 

He employed a general criminal law Firm to deal with his case but felt he was being pressured into pleading guilty. He elected to change Firms and employed our Firm based on our reviews and personal recommendations. 

We spotted a number of inconsistencies in the Crown case and managed to persuade the Procurator Fiscal to reduce the charge to careless driving, and the speed to 100mph. 

The case called for sentence at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court on 2nd May 2024 and our Mr Lyon appeared. 

Our client's licence was retained and he received only 6 penalty points. He also received a small fine. This was an outstanding result and one that couldn't be matched by any other Firm in Scotland. We don't publish success rates because they're meaningless, but in the vast majority of cases we do get the results that our clients need to retain their licences and maintain their jobs and lifestyles. 

 Kept Licence!

Published: 06/05/2024

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See also

Dangerous Driving By Overtaking At 115mph On The A75

Our client was facing a minimum disqualification of 1 year along with an order to resit an extended driving test. We managed to persuade the Procurator Fiscal that the standard of driving was careless as opposed to dangerous (depsite being clocked at 115mph in a 60mph limit and overtaking vehicles in contravention of solid white lines). Our client was disqualified for only 6 months and a relatively modest fine of £450 was imposed....